
MIPLAN is an authorised financial services provider (FSP 9383) predominantly engaged in the provision of financial planning solutions using proprietary financial planning software distributed to independent financial advisors. The range of MIPLAN IP portfolios are single manager portfolios used in the implementation of clients’ financial plans. MIPLAN is a shareholder of IP and is represented on the Board by Anton Turpin.

Web site: www.mi-plan.co.za

Flagship Asset Management

Flagship Asset Management

Flagship Asset Management evolved from the Fleming Martin private client business which was acquired by management in 2001 after Flemings merged with JP Morgan. Flagship is now a privately owned asset management company dedicated to private clients and smaller institutions and has as its chairman and head of investments, Winston Floquet, formerly chairman of the Fleming Martin Group. More recently, Flagship merged its business with Hermes Asset Management, a highly reputable asset management business based in Cape Town. The company remains 100% owned by management and is registered with the FSB in South Africa as both a fund manager and discretionary financial services provider (under licence number 577).

Flagship is a shareholder of IP and is represented on the Board by Simon Hudson.

Web site: www.flagshipsa.com

Flagship Asset Management


MitonOptimal Holdings (Pty) Ltd is the parent company of MitonOptimal Portfolio Management (Pty) Ltd (MOPM) and MitonOptimal South Africa (Pty) Ltd (MOSA). MOPM is an authorised Financial Services Provider Licence No. 734 and MOSA is an authorised Financial Services Provider Licence No. 28160.
MitonOptimal is a private company owned by its Management and Directors. MitonOptimal South Africa is the appointed investment manager on the MitonOptimal funds. MitonOptimal Holdings is a shareholder of IP and is represented on the Board by Roeloff Horne.

Web site: www.mitonoptimal.co.za