MitonOptimal is an independent, owner-managed investment management business delivering focused investment solutions and support to enable advisers to meet their clients’ investment objectives.
Our investment philosophy is unashamedly simple, “diversification, through unconstrained global asset allocation, within an absolute return mindset”, with the aim of achieving our clients’ objectives, through the management and control of risk.
We offer an extensive range of CISs that are focused client solutions with an absolute return mindset. We are proponents of both active and passive strategies. We believe that ‘passive’ investing is very much an active decision – given the array of available instruments to invest in. CISs are regulated vehicles and accessible with built-in protection for investors – providing a layer of comfort for advisers.

The purpose of our range is to minimise the compliance risk for financial advisers by managing global and domestic absolute return solutions over defined rolling periods to enable the investor to plan their income and growth expectations while managing regular CGT implications.

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